Vistas zupa
€7.00Garšīga un barojoša zupa. Tā vārīta no dārzeņiem un gaļas, izkaltēta (sublimēta) un gatava lietošanai.
Lai baudītu zupu pārgājienā vai izbraucienā, ir nepieciešams tikai karsts ūdens. Attaisot iepakojumu (svars 50 grami), no tā jāizņem skābekļa absorberis, paciņā jāielej līdz 0,5 l karstā ūdens, jāsamaisa, jāaiztaisa iepakojums ar “zip-lock” aizdari, jānogaida 10 minūtes, un zupa gatava baudīšanai un spēku atjaunošanai.
Labu apetīti!
BIO speltas pankūku maisījums
€3.60Sastāvā: Bio speltas kviešu milti, Bio cukurs, Bio olu pulveris, Bio kartupeļu ciete, citronskābe, dzeramā soda, sāls.
Pagatavošanai nepieciešams pievienot tikai ūdeni.
Svars: 400g
BIO emmer pankūku maisījums
€3.60Sastāvā: Bio Emmer kviešu milti 49,5%, Bio kviešu milti Bio cukurs, Bio olu pulveris, Bio kartupeļu ciete, citronskābe, dzeramā soda, sāls.
Pagatavošanai nepieciešams pievienot tikai ūdeni.
Svars: 400g
€65.00Šim Modern Nomad hūdijam ir unikāla dizaina apdruka priekšpusē. Izgatavots no ērta un izturīga auduma, tas ir lieliski piemērots ikdienas valkāšanai. Hūdijam ir klasisks piegriezums ar kapuci ar aukliņu un garām piedurknēm, padarot to ideāli piemērotu vēsākam laikam. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai darād dažādas darba lietas vai atpūšaties mājās, šis hūdijs noteikti kļūs par jūsu iemīļotāko apģērbu.
Ražots Eiropā, Latvijā.
€25.00Klasiska cepure āra piedzīvojumiem. Uz cepures, kas piemērota gan dāmām, gan kungiem, ir liels ModernNomad logotips, kas ļauj ikvienam zināt, ka jūs esat par iesaistīšanos piedzīvojumos brīvā dabā. Priekšējā daļa ir izgatavota no 100% kokvilnas, un aizmugure ir izgatavota no 100% poliestera tīkliņa, kas nodrošina ar papildus elpošanu.
Ražots Eiropā, Latvijā.
Aclima WoolNet Original Trousers
€95.00WoolNet Original Trousers is a bottom with reinforcements across the knees for improved durability. Aclima WoolNet® is the original wool net, made for high intensity activities, where moisture transport, good breathability and low weight are important.
Color available in the stock is Dark Olive instead of Black. This is a representation of the product.
Aclima WoolNet Original Shirt
€95.00Long-sleeved WOOLNET men’s shirt for high intensity activities. Aclima WoolNet net underwear is made of 91% Merino wool, which is soft and yet durable. Mesh underwear lets your body breathe while you move and keeps you warm when you’re stationary.
WoolNet is woven into a net that creates small air pockets on the surface of the body, and thanks to this, heat loss from the body is very small.
Lappland Friluft 45
€319.95Light, well-ventilated hunting backpack with smart features. The front pocket can be used to attach a gun to the backpack, and can also be detached and used as a small backpack. Reversible rain cover for camouflage in both snowy and forest conditions.
Tehniskie dati:
– Bottom opening: No
– Equipment features: Expandable side pocket, Side compression straps
– Rain cover included: Yes
Product specifications:
– Dimensions: 68x32x30 cm
– Volume: 45 l
– Weight: 2130 g
Primus Ignition Steel – Large
€21.95A fast and easy way to a spark in all weather conditions. Start a fire or light a stove with a few flicks of your wrist.
Tehniskie dati:
– Water-resistant and works in wet conditions – even rain and snow
– The steel parts are protected in the integrated case
– Reflective lanyard for carrying convenience
– Spark emitted has a temperature of 5400 °C and will strike thousands of times
– Invented in Sweden
– Available in two sizes and multiple colors
Product specifications:
– Material: Biobased Plastic, Steel
Primus Lite Plus Stove System
€149.95Compact, lightweight and fuel efficient top-mounted kitchen solution for 1-2 people, for all of your backpacking needs. Comes with a bio-based Canister Stand to attach on the gas canister for extra stability and a Hanging System when you can’t find a flat space to cook. Invented in Sweden, made in Europe. Gas NOT included.
Tehniskie dati:
– Lightweight system stove burner locks securely to the pot when in use and packs conveniently inside with a 100g gas canister for ultimate travel experience
– Oversized and foldable control valve for precise flame control
– Laminar Flow Burner Technology™ offers a lower center of gravity making the stove stable, lighter and more compact
– Piezo ignition, no lighter required
– Includes pot support pegs to use with any non-system pot or pan
– 0.5L hard-anodized aluminum pot with pour spout has integrated heat exchanger
Product specifications:
– Material: Stainless Steel, Hard Anodised Aluminum, Cork, Biobased Plastic
– Diameter: 100 mm
– Power: 1500 W
– Boiling Time (PrimeTech Pot) min: 2.45
Primus OmniFuel
€244.95A stove with precise flame control, extremely high heat output, Fuel Bottle and a super pouch provides a complete kit for your travels. Primus Expedition Service certified! Invented in Sweden, made in Europe. Gas NOT included.
Tehniskie dati:
– High output and a wide flame excels at heating larger pots to cook for 1-4 people
– Stainless steel pot supports offer optimal durability
– Fine control valve for precise flame and heat control
– Can easily be self-serviced
– Travel friendly, works with variety of fuel types including canister gas, white gas, kerosene, diesel and aviation fuel
Product specifications:
– Material: Stainless Steel, Brass
– Diameter: 66 mm
– Power: 3000 W
– Fuel Consumption per Hour g/h: 215 g/h
Primus Power Gas
€5.95 – €9.95Power Gas consists of a mixture of propane and isobutane for optimal year-round performance.
Available in three sizes:
100g = 90 x 90 x 67 mm | 198 g
230g = 108 x 108 x 85 mm | 390 g
450g = 108 x 108 x 137 mm | 645 g
All Primus fuel has been carbon dioxide-neutral camping fuel since 2015. To compensate for the emissions and the metal container in our canister gas, we invest in focused carbon-offsetting efforts across the globe.